Thanksgiving Turkey

Thanksgiving Turkey

Thanksgiving Turkey 

We recommend a 14-16lb turkey 

Make sure you begin to thaw your turkey in the fridge one week before Thanksgiving Cooking Temperature: 300 degrees (Kelly likes 350 for crispy skin) 

Time: 4 hours whole bird. 3.5 hours if you choose to spatchcock 

Injection: Blues Hog Rise and Brine. 1/4 Cup Rise and Brine with 16 oz of warm water Inject the turkey every 1 1/2 inches allow over the breast and in the legs and thighs if you wish Spatchcock method: Use kitchen shears to remove the spine of the turkey, flip your bird over and press down on the breast plate until you hear it break! Once you hear it break, you’re good to inject and then season! 

Compound Butter Recipe: 1 lb Softened butter (its best to leave it on the counter the night before making), ¼ cup of Heath Riles Garlic Butter. Mix both ingredients until fully combined. Use immediately or roll it into saran wrap and freeze it. 

Use Compound Butter and spread compound butter under the skin of the turkey breast. Once you get PLENTY of compound butter under the skin use your hands to spread the compound butter as best you can all over the turkey breast. If you have remaining, you can rub this all over the skin of the turkey as well before seasoning. 

Seasoning: Season your turkey with your preferred rub (Kosmos Q Dirty Bird, Yardbird, Heath Riles Chicken Rub, Loot n’ Booty Gold Star Chicken Rub, Big Swede Badass Bird Boost) at least 15 minutes before putting it on the smoker. You can season under the skin as well, but this is personal preference.  

Once the turkey has been on the smoker for 1.5 hours or more spray with Duck Fat Spray if you see the skin beginning to dry (this will happen). If you don’t have Duck Fat Spray use melted butter to baste the skin every 30 minutes.  

If the turkey begins to darken more than you would like we recommend at this point covering the turkey as tightly as possible to prevent your turkey from getting any darker.  

Use an instant read thermometer to check the turkey breast in the thickest portion of the breast meat. Once your turkey hits 160 degrees remove from the smoker and place on a large cookie sheet or in a large foil pan to rest. After 30 minutes you are good to begin slicing and serving.  

If your turkey is done early resting your turkey for much longer than that 30 minutes is totally acceptable.